Jason Momoa at Celebrity Fan Fest San Antonio

Photo by Misti Jorges

Jason Momoa – Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones, Aquaman in the newest DC adaptation, Ronon Dex in Stargate: Atlantis, and so much more – arrived on Saturday to San Antonio’s Celebrity Fan Fest, a 3-day comic con from June 14th to June 16th. Momoa participated in photo ops, autograph signings, and a panel for the fans. In the panel, he discussed his efforts for converting to canned water, being on set for Aquaman, and the difficulties he faced finding work, even after appearing on Game of Thrones. This is his second appearance at Celebrity Fan Fest; he appeared last year as well for Fan Fest’s first convention and was their first ever sign-on guest.

Before Momoa’s panel really got going, Bob Wells, the owner of Celebrity Fan Fest, David McCary, the Director of San Antonio Solid Waste Management, and Audrey Zamora, also of San Antonio Solid Waste Management, presented Momoa with a large poster of a cartoon Momoa hugging a green recycling bin while “stiff arming” a brown trash bin, which Momoa signed. The presenters thanked him for all of his conservation efforts and gave him a framed picture of the poster to keep.

Photos by Misti Jorges

The panel easily segued into Jason Momoa’s conservation efforts where he discussed the benefits of using canned water instead of plastic water bottles. He stated that these days, about 90% of plastics are no longer recyclable whereas aluminum can always be recycled. “There’s so much I want to do to help our waters and our land,” he said. On airplanes, we have the options of canned sodas and beer but then they have “this fucking annoying little bottle of water.” He also thinks it’s ridiculous that we have to pay $5 for bottled water. It’s much easier and more environmentally friendly to bring your own aluminum container and fill it with water instead. Momoa certainly does practice what he preaches, using his own pink aluminum bottle throughout the panel. With his conservation efforts, he is also hoping to assist with disaster relief programs with his canned water in the future. He stated that “[i]t’s been an honor” to help the environment.

Photo by Misti Jorges

Momoa was also asked a number of questions about the Aquaman set, his audition, and reaction to getting cast. When he went to audition for the role of Aquaman, they had him read the part for Batman, which he said he played it completely opposite of what it should have. But he nailed the audition for Aquaman through that reading and when he received the news, he was “screaming like a little girl in the Warner Brothers parking lot.” While filming for the movie, the actors were often in harnesses for the underwater scenes. “It’s like a giant giving you a massive wedgie…[you] have to act like it’s comfortable.” He gave major props to co-star Amber Heard who was in heels and wearing a costume that was even tighter than his. And all the tattoos? That was Zack Snyder’s idea.

He had plenty to say about Game of Thrones as well. During his audition for Khal Drogo, he had very little dialogue. Five months passed before he inquired about the role again before he was told that he was still the front runner, they were just doing more casting with actors in other parts of the world as well. The only Americans on the film were he and Peter Dinklage. When he got a call back for a second audition, he decided to do a Haka to show what Khal Drogo would be like if he actually spoke, and officially won the role. Drogo is his favorite character he’s ever played due to Drogo being the complete opposite of himself. He finds it more fun to play roles that are different from his own personality. Fans inquired about his thoughts about the end of Game of Thrones to which he replied, “My girl got stabbed in the stomach…Bullshit.” But all in good fun. Another fan asked if he would ever consider doing a Twins remake with Peter Dinklage which received a quick and hearty, “Fucking tell me where to sign!” He “absolutely love[s] that movie.” (We’re going to make this happen now, right?)

But his fame with the fans as Khal Drogo didn’t transfer to his acting career. He found it difficult to find jobs after Game of Thrones due to people thinking he couldn’t speak English. He decided to make his own film, Road to Paloma, which he directed and co-wrote. During this time period, it was difficult to get funding and he even had to sell his car in order to get the trailer made to go with the script. “I was writing to fucking save my family.” He did receive some more acting jobs after Road to Paloma and then hit it big again with his role as Aquaman about two years later. He now has a new show premiering called See and soon will be directing and producing another movie he has co-wrote that is based on a true story. The fans weren’t given any more information on this newest project besides that Momoa will not be acting in it, which he enjoys so he can focus more on the project itself.

Jason Momoa had some inspiring words to say to fans. One fan named Brandon, who is about to go to school in August for mass communication, asked what advice would Momoa give to someone aspiring to get into film and tv production. He responded that tomorrow for Father’s Day, he will be posting something that he hopes will inspire people and there is so much that is accessible these days with technology.

“You can do it. And you just gotta write it. And you gotta learn and you gotta keep doing it. Because you’re gonna fail and then you’re gonna succeed and then fail and succeed…It’s not easy. Just keep at it.”

Pretty soon, he will have a new project out that was three decades in the making and inspired by those around him. He encourages people to never give up and follow their hearts, especially his own children and other young fans.

Photo by Misti Jorges

When asked about what he geeks out to, music was his response. Just a few days ago, he attended his first Slayer concert. He even creates soundtracks for his characters and bases his characters from music. He grew up creative with both of his parents being artists. He also informed fans that if he could be any Marvel character, he would definitely choose Wolverine – which Clare Kramer pointed out is an open position now. Momoa states that Hugh Jackman was “phenomenal” but he had grown up loving Wolverine and didn’t hesitate to name him as his first choice in the Marvel Universe. One fan also started off his question by first stating that Momoa is the only man his wife can leave him for. After Momoa laughs at the statement, the man then says that Momoa is also the only man he would leave his wife for.

Photos by Misti Jorges

All in all, Jason Momoa is one of the greatest celebrities to see. He’s very open, inspirational, and always up for a good laugh. And while he has become a household name now, he started from very humble beginnings and has had his own days of fearing not being able to put food on the table for his family. He empathizes with fans who are also trying to better themselves and work at what they love. He creates How-To videos to help those trying to get into the entertainment business. He is the sort of man that exudes positivity and will help others whenever and wherever he can, along with using his new fame to spread environmental awareness and conservation.

Photos by Misti Jorges